Astrology Consultations


Birth Chart Consultation

$90 - 1 hour

If this is your first astrology consultation, then a birth chart consultation is the best place to start.

This consult looks at the exact placement of the planets at the time of your birth.

The birth chart is your personal road-map, highlighting your purpose in this lifetime, your personal strengths, potential and any challenges you are likely to face. By shining a light on each part of our birth chart, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. We bring into focus our full potential and receive assistance to live in harmony with the universe.

Your Year Ahead Consultation

$90 - 1hour

What do the next 12 months have in store for you? What opportunities await you and where is the path guiding you?

A forecast reading looks at the nature of the next 12 months and where your energies would best be focused. We examine the major themes and how to navigate gracefully through what the universe is bringing to you. The aim is to embrace each stage of life and understand the lessons and opportunities it is giving you, so that you may make the most of each day.

We look at transits, progressions and solar arcs to draw out the major themes of your next 12 months.

Relationship Consultation

$180 - 1 hour

Our greatest joys and our greatest tribulations come from our close relationships.

This reading examines in-depth the relationship between yourself and one other person. We explore the nature of the relationship, what comes easily and where friction and opportunities to grow together and in self-awareness can be found.

Note: this requires the birth charts and details for both people and will only be done after a birth chart consultation.

Preparing for your reading:

The following information is required for all readings:

  • DATE of Birth

  • TIME of Birth

  • PLACE of Birth

These details need to be provided at the time of booking

Payments are made via direct deposit or Paypal.

Book a Consultation

To book, please email, call or text.
(+61) 0410-282-174